HPG guerrillas carry out actions in Zap


A Turkish soldier was shot dead by an HPG guerrilla on the western front of the Zap region. According to the press office of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG), the action took place on Sunday in the Girê Bahar resistance area. At about the same time and the following day, fighters also struck against occupation troops in Girê Amêdî. There, heavy weapons were used against soldiers in open terrain as part of three different actions.

Guerrilla sabotage in Girê FM

In the area around Girê FM, which is also in the western section of the Zap region, guerrilla units carried out a sabotage action on Tuesday morning. According to the HPG, the action was directed against an attempted advance by the occupation troops and led to the halt of military movements. Soldiers in Girê Şehîd Hêmin near Xakurke were targeted with heavy weapons at about the same time.

Helicopter attacked over Metîna

The guerrillas also took action against the Turkish army in Metîna. There, several combat helicopters were fired upon and forced to turn around after a wave of attacks on the resistance area of ​​Dergelê. According to the HPG, the action took place late on Sunday evening. In addition to Dergelê, the nearby areas of Golka and Serê Metîna as well as Girê Şekîf and Şehîd Şerîf in Xakurke were also attacked by combat helicopters on the same evening.

Attacks by the Turkish army

The Turkish army carried out further attacks in South Kurdistan with combat aircraft. According to the report, the HPG recorded at least 13 air strikes between 15 and 17 September. Areas in Xakurke, Gare, Metîna and Zap were hit. In addition, the HPG reported two attacks with prohibited explosives last night on tunnel systems in Girê FM.

Source: ANF News

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