The Kurdish question remains one of the most complex and persistent issues in the Middle East, with profound political, social and geopolitical repercussions. To discuss these issues, a conference titled ‘The Kurdish question: Historical roots and prospects for resolution’ will be organized at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris on 17 December.
The aim of the conference is to explore the historical roots of the Kurdish question, while highlighting current challenges and prospects for resolution.
Through enriching exchanges between specialists, policy-makers and civil society actors, this event will offer a unique opportunity to deepen the understanding of the historical and legal dynamics that have shaped the Kurdish question, say the organizers, adding that the conference also aims “to propose concrete avenues for a lasting solution, emphasizing the role that France and the international community can play in this process.”
Divided into round tables and discussions, the day will be structured around the following themes: the historical and geopolitical roots of the Kurdish question, international legal issues, and strategic perspectives for a resolution.
This conference is part of an approach of awareness, dialogue and action to contribute to the recognition of the rights of the Kurds and the promotion of lasting peace.
Source: ANF News