Figen Yüksekdağ: All social actors must take initiative


Figen Yüksekdağ, the former co-chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has been in prison since 2016. She is currently in Kandıra Prison in Kocaeli. The politician made a statement following a visit by the Imrali delegation of the Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), which included Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Pervin Buldan, and Ahmet Türk.

“We stand behind Abdullah Öcalan”

In a statement posted on her X account, Yüksekdağ said: “On the occasion of the DEM Party’s Imrali delegation visit, I would like to extend my greetings, respect, and love to the democratic public, our peoples, and women. Our country and region are going through a crucial period. Our peoples need peace, justice, and democracy more than ever.

At this critical moment in history, Mr. Öcalan’s efforts to take initiative and move forward are invaluable and decisive. We stand behind this effort, regardless of where we are, whether inside or outside, or despite having different views. This does not prevent us from carrying out our duty. We are ready to contribute to the noble movement for peace and democratic solutions by embracing our responsibility.”

The message continued: “The main advocates of peace are the people of Turkey, workers, freedom forces, and women. For this very reason, all social actors must take initiative to foster the brotherhood of peoples and promote peace.  The path to democratic rights and the guarantee of bread and labor lies in taking this initiative today. As women, we will not hesitate to show the necessary dedication and effort to advance  the democratic solution movement on the Kurdish question. We will stand in solidarity and work together with everyone who joins this effort.

Concrete and positive approaches will be the most decisive step in solving this question. I hope that we will greet the spring of our peoples, peace, and brotherhood together.”

Source: ANF News

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