Kongra Star calls for increased struggle against occupation and attacks


In a written statement on the aggression of the Turkish state and its gangs, Kongra Star Assembly called for increased struggle against the invasion and genocidal attacks.

  • ANF
  • Monday, 2 December 2024, 13:42

The North-East Syrian women’s movement Kongra Star Assembly made a written statement regarding the attacks of the occupying Turkish state and its gangs against Syria and Rojava.

Kongra Star emphasised that the escalating conflcit in the Middle East, caused by the failure to reach a political solution, affects women and children in particular.

Referring to the occupying Turkish state’s desire to change the demographic structure in the region, Kongra Star said: “In order to achieve these goals, the Turkish state tries to destroy the gains of our people and the women’s revolution by weakening democratic solutions, and to eliminate the resistance of Kurdish, Arab, Syriac, Assyrian, Armenian, Circassian and Turkmen peoples in the region.”

The statement pointed out that: “As a people, and as women, we must organise ourselves and strengthen our defence against the war and chaos in the region. We must protect the values of our people, our society and our country by acting on the basis of the Revolutionary People’s War strategy. We must increase our struggle and resistance in every field with the belief in an honourable and free life.”

Source: ANF News

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