Born in 1982 in Mako, women’s rights activist Zeynab Jalalian was arrested in 2007 and subjected to severe torture before being detained. In 2011, she was sentenced to life imprisonment.
In a letter she sent, Zeynab Jalalian underlined the importance of Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s physical freedom and called for a stronger struggle to secure his release.
The letter reads as follows:
From behind the prison walls to all freedom advocates…
I am Zeynab Jalalian, a politically free-thinking woman imprisoned for my thoughts and beliefs. My ideas are inspired by the intellectual paradigm of Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in inhumane captivity for 26 years because of his ideas, beliefs, and struggle for freedom. I know it is my fundamental and moral duty to join the campaign for my leader’s physical freedom. I want his unconditional freedom. I salute the greatest free individual who taught me about freedom, and I wish freedom to that great thinker and human being.
When our people, the Middle East, and Kurdistan—the heart of the region—were turned into cemeteries, and when no one had the strength to resist and fight against the enemies, particularly during the time when the fascist Turkish regime denied the existence of Kurds in North Kurdistan and killed them, the only person who rose against the state was Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Undoubtedly, his ideas became the only light illuminating the path to freedom for the Kurdish people and other regional peoples during the darkest periods in Turkish history. When I think of his life, I feel deeply hurt to see how long it took the world to understand him. He left his youth, freedom, family, and all traditional ties, redefining these concepts to secure the rights of the Kurdish people and other oppressed peoples. Tragically, this free-thinking individual was captured with the support of the fascist Turkish state, the United States, and the European Union, and he was imprisoned on an island where he has been subjected to every kind of isolation for 26 years. The world witnessed that even isolation could not suppress his thoughts and ideas.
In Imrali Prison, Abdullah Öcalan shone like a jewel, producing and presenting new ideas. The system of democratic confederalism was offered as an alternative to regional states. Through this democratic system, the peoples of the region could gain their rights and live peacefully together. However, this system posed a threat to the interests of states. Representing all nation-states, the fascist Turkish state intensified its oppression against the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan. Yet, despite all the pressure and obstacles, he continued to demonstrate a strong and creative path toward freedom.
As a leader and thinker, he shielded peoples from the savagery of enemies. Supporting and protecting him is essentially about preserving justice, equality, and freedom.
I, Zeynab Jalalian, have been living under the most challenging prison conditions for 17 years to protect my rights and the rights of my people. I understand the nature of imprisonment. When we break the isolation imposed on our leadership in Imrali, we will break the entire prison system. Women will be the first to dismantle this system.
In Iran, women and all peoples are revolting, shouting our philosophy: “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî” (Women, Life, Freedom). It is a concept and philosophy created by Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Therefore, we have to insist on his freedom, to support his ideas and advocate for a democratic Iran, free individuals, and free thought under this slogan.
For this reason, I call on intellectuals, academics, artists, legal professionals, feminists, social organizations, environmental groups, and the Kurdish people, particularly women, youth, and the freedom-loving people of Iran, to support Leader Öcalan and join the campaign for his freedom. Because all the peoples of Iran need his ideas to address fundamental issues. Therefore, everyone should do whatever they can to achieve the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, and remove the obstacles preventing it.
Leader Abdullah Öcalan has resisted and fought under the harshest conditions on Imrali Island for humanity and for all of us. Since his ideas are centered on women’s freedom, this support must align with the struggle against male domination. Undoubtedly, the struggle of all our people, young people, and men is needed.
I invite you to fulfill your human duty by participating in the campaign for Abdullah Öcalan’s physical freedom. His freedom will undoubtedly be the freedom of all of us, especially the struggling woman.
Zeynab Jalalian
Sentenced to life imprisonment – Yazd City
Source: ANF News